RCJ Rescue Simulation (Webots-Erebus)

The RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation competition provides an excellent learning opportunity with a newly developed platform (Webots-Erebus). The virtual robot has to explore and map a maze with different divisions, as well as identify victims along the way. The rules are very similar to the RCJ Rescue Maze test, with the extension of the difficulty being added new areas and more difficult terrains.

The Webots-Erebus platform was selected for this test after several tests with volunteer teams in a workshop environment. The platform was improved, and a virtual competition was held in October 2020. During the RoboCup International event in the year 2021, another demo competition was held, in a format similar to the previous one in October. The format of the competition in 2022 will be defined shortly by RoboCup, so they should be aware of updates on the official website.

Follow the oficial page: RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation (Webots-Erebus)

RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation (Webots-Erebus) Rules are available here !! 


Coordinating Team: